Monday, October 13, 2008

#2 Auckland's Islands

Sunday I went to Waiheke. It is an island made up of beautiful beaches and 32 wineries. Does it get any better? After the scenic tour, it was obviously wine time. Most people sign up for a wine tour, but I had a public bus pass and figured I could make my way around. The first place I went was Goldwater Estate. There were 4 Americans inside the tasting room. They were like, Where did you come from? Cause I just came walking down the hill out of nowhere. I told them I just, you know, took the bus over. People don't do that? So we got to talking, and they were some of the nicest people I've ever met, anywhere. One of the couples lives in Auckland. The husband is CEO of AIG New Zealand. They told me the next bus didn't come for an hour and were so kind to offer me a ride to the next winery on their van tour.

The second vineyard, Mudbrick, was even more beautiful than the first. The views were spectacular. My new friends invited me to lunch! The food was so delicious. We had olives, scallops, tomato & fennel soup, turbot (fish), lamb, and some side dishes. The conversation was great. Considering the company I was with, along with the view, the wine, & the meal itself, I have to say it was one of the best dining experiences I've ever had.

1) One of the many bays on Waiheke Island.
2) Launching made easy. I want one.
3) Onetangi Beach. Name translates to "funeral beach" because there was a massacre when natives inhabited the island. An alternate interpretation is "weeping sands beach." Right. I'm gonna go with A. Also, one of top 10 beaches in the world for clearest water. After the blood dissolved?
4-6) Vineyards. Do I have to spell everything out for you?
7) View from dining area at Mudbrick.
8) My new friends! Debbie, Dave, Kat, & Bob.
9) Boat ride back. I'm drunk. Behind me is Rangitoto, which I climb the next day.

Monday I went to another island, Rangitoto. It was formed from a volcanic eruption only 600 years ago. Put itself on the map, just like that. In 1860 the British bought the island from the native Maori people for £15. It's so sad how much the Maori have been taken advantage of in recent history. In the 30s there were 101 vacation homes, known as baches here (short for bachelor). During WWII the island was used as a lookout. The hike to the top was worth the view.

1) View of Auckland from the boat.
2) Rangitoto Summit.
3) Summit facing Auckland.

On my way down from the summit I went to see lava caves. A trail marker outside the first cave had an arrow pointing directly at the cave's entrance. You're supposed to actually go in there? It looked pretty dark. I could see a patch of light at the opposite end of the cave. It wasn't very deep. But it looked really dark in there. I don't believe in monsters. And I hadn't seen too many spiderwebs on the island; there were just some cobwebs on the outside of the cave. And I could combat this problem easily by swinging my arm out in front of me as I walked. Genius! Luckily I didn't think about ghosts, or else I probably would have turned around. So the only real danger was if I were to fall & roll my ankle on the uneven lava path and be stuck in there. That would be a serious problem. I idled for a couple minutes. Then I went it (sorry, mom). It was scary. On the other side was the entrance to a second cave. This one was completely dark and looked spookier than the first. There was no way I was going to step foot in there. I bought a flashlight when I got back, because I should have already had one with me in the first place.

1) Lotsa lava.
2) Can't believe I went in there.
3) The other end, looking back at the entrance.
4) Cave #2. I don't think so.
That evening I went to the top of the Sky Tower. I went just before sunset, so I could see it in daylight and at night. Great views. What a surprise! All the other scenery has been awful.

Here's a video from the top of the volcano.
Finally, a video of Queen Street on the block by my hostel.

1 comment:

Sean Dubberke said...

awww ure filming all the asian restaurants! hahaha i love that you put videos up!! i wish i could join you on your adventure :) i'm thinking of doing the JET program in Japan in the next few years!!! Come with me!
