Tuesday, November 25, 2008

#12 Deep Thoughts

I've been spending a lot of quality time at work lately. There is a convention going on and they have a gigantic tent set up outside for dinner. We have to cart all of the silverware, dishes, linens, bar items, etc back and forth from the main kitchen on these dodgy trolleys. When you roll them across unpaved asphalt and grass the dishes make a great rattling sound. This gets even more fun after dark, because there isn't much light out there and the grass if full of potholes. Oh and it was raining.

At one point I was trying to get a trolley full of plates and glasses through a doorway when one of the wheels pops off. So I'm lifting the thing while William is trying to put the wheel back on and the handle pops off. Pure comedy. Later, William pushed me around through the back hallways of the kitchen. The trolleys move much faster on linoleum. This was the highlight of my day.

Then we rolled a trolley full of glass water jugs over to the bar. Naturally, this ended up being the trolley with the loose wheel. I went into the bar and heard a familiar sound. (You know the one. You hear it occasionally at restaurants. Sometimes people clap. Why do they do that? Idiots.) Ah, the distinct sound of crashing glass. Broken jugs everywhere. Sidenote: The reason we were taking the stuff to the bar is because the dishwasher in the main kitchen broke. So we put 300 wine glasses, 300 water glasses, and all the bar glasses though the bar's mini washer. Did I mention it was raining?

Earlier, back in the tent, there were 4 of us standing in the corner near the makeshift bar. This woman walks up, grabs a bottle of wine, and quickly takes off toward her table, trying to be all sneaky-like. Seriously? Did she really just try to steal a bottle of Merlot right in front of us? Sarah and I look at each other because we both saw it. After some debating, we decide (I decide) that Sarah should be the one to go up to her and ask her to sign for the wine. Unbelievable. At the end of the night we all enjoyed ice cream from one of their booths. So there.

Now here are some pictures from a sunset at the lake, on a night when I wasn't working.

Reminds me of Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey.


Unknown said...

Hey Jenna I am an idiot cause I would have clapped to, maybe a standing ovation from what it sounds like....ha ha. Anyway, beautiful sunset pictures.....could compete with Lake Powell.....Dad

grandmamoses said...

Oh my goodness!! that must have beenreally something! Are you getting a lot of rain? We had some here this week, but supposed to be 83 by the weekend.
Those are really spectacular pictures. I haven't figured out how to send pictures yet!
Looking forward to your next post!!
Love, G.