Monday, March 30, 2009

#24 Kaikoura (Peninsula)

Are you serious?

The drive down to Kaikoura was a windy one. The coastline seems even more rugged when waves are crashing onto the rocks.

Kaikoura sunrise.
From photos I've seen, the mountains are even more stunning when snow-capped. I'm looking forward to winter.
I went to the point where the seal colony is. It was low tide so I walked across the rocks instead of on the road, because it's more fun. I didn't realize I was already there until I stepped up on to a rock and was about to jump down when I was barked at by a large, grumpy seal. I took off running the opposite direction. I hadn't seen him and would have hopped down right next to him.
Here's your sign:
10 meters? Try 2 feet. And who would try to move a seal?
The king admiring his kingdom. I just want to stick a crown on him. Made of seaweed and puau shells and little fish bones.

Kaikoura is at the base of a high cliff peninsula, which I walked around.

I just could not get enough of these cows.

For you, Aunt Kim.

I would like to say that I walked down there and back up, but I would be lying.

Nobody move!

Gotta love the New Zealand bridges. "Maximum load 1 person."

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