Saturday, October 11, 2008

#1 Arrival

The trip in was not so great. But Auckalnd is friendly. It's very eclectic, with lots of Asian influence. Which is good because there are lots of sushi places around and I like sushi. It's pretty chilly here, raining off and on. I walked all around the city today and did some shopping. As in I bought a rain jacket. Tomorrow it should be sunny and I'm going to go to the top of the SkyTower, which offers a view of the whole city. I walked down to the harbor today and there are several cruises available. There are three islands you can go to, which I want to do in the next couple days. Tonight I think I'll go to one of the pubs nearby. Maybe make some friends? If not, I'm going to be doing a lot of blogging.

I got a NZ phone number if you need to reach me. Or if you're drunk and want to chat. 021-275-0170 (country code is 64).

Photo 1: Auckland town hall & skytower.
Photo 2: Street scene.
Photot 3: In case you forgot what I look like. I'm sitting on the bed in my five-star hotel.


Devo said...

I'm looking forward to this blog.. so how do we dial that number from the states?

Unknown said...

Five star hotel huh..? Unless it's Four Seasons I don't need to hear about it. Make sure you tell everybody you know Adam Kurkaldey :) That should get you the royal treatment, no..? Wishing you the best trip ever!

Lauren Nelson said...

Hi Jenna,

I already miss you!! I can't wait to see NZ through your blog.

Be safe,
xxoo Mom

Kirk Baker said...

Hey Jenna Rae.........this is so cool and this will help me to improve my lousy computer skills. How is the room service? GT has been looking for you and sleeping on your bed. Tell tale Have fun at the pub. Dad

Lisa said...

Damn Jenna... We didn't get together again before you left! =( I am so glad you are doing this trip! It will be worth while I know....and gives me an excuse to come visit you!

Well you still look hot, so I am glad nothing has changed in the few nights you have been gone!

Thanks for the update and I will be checking this frequently, living vicariously through your travels and experiences. Keep your ears open for cool places to go visit when I come out this summer! What about Thailand??? Just a thought?

Love you bunches and glad you made it there safe and sound! Mingle, mingle tonight at the pub and have a shot for me! Cheers.

Morgan Gardella said...

Hey Jenna! You made it! I just tried to call you from my cell three different times in three different ways and non of them went through! Damn t-mobile! So I was thinking, you should stop taking so many damn pictures of the buildings are start taking them of the guys ;) Miss you!!!

Aunt Jan said...

Hey Jen, Really enjoyed hearing about your trip so far! Can you believe how pretty and clean NZ is? The blog is a great way to share your trip with all of us. Love you, Aunt Jan

Morgan Gardella said...

Hey Jenna!
Looks like you are having a blast, I just hope next time you meet people they are somewhere around your age, your not going to be doing anything wild if you are hanging with that 70's crew :) I miss you girl! hope youa are happy!

grandmamoses said...

Hi Jenna, I got registered, so I must be OK! Love your blog. Keep coming.
Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna. How are things "down under" (or is that term just for Australia?)?

I look forward to see what you're going to post next. I'm expecting sometime in the future to hear that you've hiked up Mt. Cook on the South Island as a precusor to a more difficult hike somewhere else in the world.

I admire your sense of adventure and willingness to see the world. Your doing it right (At least in in my opinion). Oh,to be in my 20s' again!!

Take care of yourself. Uncle John

Unknown said...

kaela sent me ur blog! Wow I'm soooo incredibly jealous!!! Glad to see that you're doing great! Take care and love life :)
